Creating a useGestures hook


Gilad lev-ari


Here is the link to the npm package and to a demo site

My Motivation

Lately I’ve been working on this mobile app using cordova 😥
This is one of the worst projects I’ve been working on. But sometimes you might find a blessing in disguise 🙄. Out of the pain of this project, using the new version of react and with hooks taking their place as a legit pattern, I’ve decided to give it a go and create a custom hook for handling mobile gestures.


Mobile gestures are a result of a touch event.
Now react has an event listener to touch events such as onTouchStart, but I needed to use it in a more generic way and not just put it on a single element.
Thus I’ve used two hooks for the job. useRef and useEffect

This hook gets a ref object resulted from the react built in hook useRef.

useRef returns a mutable ref object whose .current property is initialized to the passed argument (initialValue). The returned object will persist for the full lifetime of the component” — Hooks API Reference

Using the useEffect hook, I attach and detach touch event listeners to the referenced element.

The useEffect Definition is a little longer, so I’ll skip it here and just say that useEffect runs after every render and it is the way you attach your component to external side effect (hence the name) such as generic touch events.

Translating touch event to gestures

Implementing three gesture types: Pan, Swipe and Pinch.
Pan and swipe are simple touch event with a small difference.
Swipe events have a direction and are triggered only when the touch movement distance is larger than a minimum value.
Pinch events are two finger touch events.

I’ve removed all the code I’ve talked about and some of the code I will talk about later on.

There are two things to notice here

  1. On each event handler, we need to determine if the touch is a Pinch event (exactly tow touch pointers) or not
  2. On touch move and on touch end, we need to check if the gestures triggered a swipe event

Helper functions

Here we have four help functions

getDistance returns the distance between two pointers (touches)

getAngleDeg returns the angle in degrees between those pointer.

callHandler Gets an event name and the event object to sand to the event handler listener function and dispatch attached listener function.

getCurrentTouches Responsible to make sense out of the original touch event and determine our custom event object which we use later on.

An example

This is a simple example of using the useGestures hook for rotating an image.
You can find this example and some more, on this demo page

That’s it
I hope you find this post helpful and I hope you find my useGestures package helpful 😀



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Full stack web engineer with over a decate of experience and true passion for front end development and JavaScript 💪