Why the heck did you effect?

Gilad lev-ari
2 min readJun 27, 2021

With the addition of hooks to React 16.8, a new “lifecycle” handler entered our lives, the useEffect hook.

This is hook (like its brother useLayoutEffect ) is responsible on all the side effects in the component lifecycle.
This includes state updates, property updates and so on.

useEffect gives a functional component, the same abilities a class component has, when using the componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate and componentWillUnmount lifecycle methods.
Here is a short example of replacing the class methods with a hook

useEffect(() => {}, []) // This will run only on component mountuseEffect(() => {}, [p1]) // This will run whenever 'p1' updatesuseEffect(() => {
return () => {}
}, []) // the returned method will run before the component unmounts

If you want to read more about the useEffect hook, the React official docs are a good place to start.

Ok so far nothing interesting, so why do I even bother to write this post?
Because one of the things I find missing with the useEffect hooks is the indication why did it run, or what exactly is the effect causing it to run.
That is why I’ve written my own useEffect (with the not so sophisticated name useMyEffect .You are welcome to suggest names in the comments).
So how does it work?

Here is the code:

The ‘App’ component is very simple. It has two state object (counter and now)
and one useEffect listener. The difference is that I’m using my own useMyEffect . This effect listener uses the useEffect Original hook has its “engine” yet it has two small changes.

#1 It has a name property before the call back function. This enable us to know which effect ran when we have number of useEffect in the same component.
#2 It receives its dependencies as an object and not as an array.
This gives it the ability to know why exactly did it ran and what dependency changed and made it run.

To see it in action, open this link https://1hpok.csb.app/ and look at the console, to see why did the effect run.

off course you could do the same for useLayoutEffect just replace the inner useEffect with useLayoutEffect .

And that’s it. I hope you liked this post and found it useful.



Gilad lev-ari

Full stack web engineer with over a decate of experience and true passion for front end development and JavaScript 💪